Mounting / Serving a Pyramid Application From Several Paths / URLs

One of the requirements for an application we’re developing is that the same application should be served from different endpoints. The application currently lives at / at one of our servers, but should also be available at /foo/bar – which is served through a 3rd party varnish with our server as the backend, pulling the application into a different domain name space.

mod_wsgi in Apache supports this, but for those of us who are not using the Apache version, you can also handle it directly in the Pyramid configuration by using the urlmap handler, available in the Paste library.

Our old configuration:

use = egg:applicationname

First, we’ll have to require paste in, so add:


to the requires = [ ... ] list in your (and rerun develop).

Second, use urlmap as your main application in your configuration (development.ini, production.ini). urlmap will then route the request internally to the required application (which also means that the endpoints may point to different applications, but we’re not using that yet):

use = egg:Paste#urlmap
/ = applicationname
/foo/bar = applicationname
/spam/ham = applicationname

use = egg:applicationame

The composite app is now the main entry point for the WSGI application, which then hands the request off to the actual application, applicationname.

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