A couple of issues with SWFUpload 2.5.0b1

The first beta of SWFUpload 2.5.0 was released during christmas, and just a few quick notes for those who are going to attempt an upgrade:

button_cursor: SWFUpload.CURSOR.HAND,

.. seems broken. This will probably be fixed soon, but currently I’ve been unable to get the proper mouse cursor for a button.

If you previously relied on any custom settings being available in the settings object (by providing them when initializing the component), SWFUpload 2.5.0 does not include them in the this.settings object any longer.

If you want to include any custom settings, they’ll now have to be included in a setting for that purpose (together with the other options in the settings object):

swfu = new SWFUpload({
    [settings settings]
    custom_settings : {
        redirect : true,
        redirect_delay : 500
    [more settings]

These values will then be availble through this.settings.custom_settings in your callback functions, such as this.settings.custom_settings.redirect etc.

Both issues has been reported on the v2.5.0b1 announcement.

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