NTFS Junctions and PHP 5.3.0

After upgrading to PHP 5.3.0 on my Windows XP Workstation, Junctions have suddenly stopped working in any PHP related code. I use junctions to hardlink directories from their version specific paths (NTFS symlinks where first introduced with Vista, so I’m still using Junctions), but after upgrading none of the libraries which live in directories that are linked through junctions work.

This seems to be a known bug, Files on NTFS Mounted Volumes (Junctions) inaccessible, although I’m also seeing the issue with completly local files (and not mounted from remote file systems). Seems like the thing to do is to wait for 5.3.1 to resolve the issue .. if it gets fixed to that. For the time being I’ll manually copy the directories.

Update: I’ve added a log of a test session showing the problem.