Java and NetBeans: Illegal escape character

When defining strings in programming languages, they’re usually delimited by ” and “, such as “This is a string” and “Hello World”. The immediate question is what do you do when the string itself should contain a “? “Hello “World”” is hard to read and practically impossible to parse for the compiler (which tries to make sense out of everything you’ve written). To solve this (and similiar issues) people started using escape characters, special characters that tell the parser that it should pay attention to the following character(s) (some escape sequences may contain more than one character after the escape character).

Usually the escape character is \, and rewriting our example above we’ll end up with “Hello \”World\””. The parser sees the \, telling it that it should parse the next characters in a special mode and then inserts the ” into the string itself instead of using it as a delimiter. In Java, C, PHP, Python and several other languages there are also special versions of the escape sequences that does something else than just insert the character following the escape character.

\n – Inserts a new line.
\t – Inserts a tab character.
\xNN – Inserts a byte with the byte value provided (\x13, \xFF, etc).

A list of the different escape sequences that PHP supports can be found in the PHP manual.

Anyways, the issue is that Java found an escape sequence that it doesn’t know how to handle. Attempting to define a string such as “! # \ % &” will trigger this message, as it sees the escape character \, and then attempts to parse the following byte – which is a space (” “). The escape sequence “\ ” is not a valid escape sequence in the Java language specification, and the parser (or NetBeans or Eclipse) is trying to tell you this is probably not what you want.

The correct way to define the string above would be to escape the escape character (now we’re getting meta): “! # \\ % &”. This would define a string with just a single backlash in it.

jQuery, .getJSON and the Same-Origin Policy

When creating a simple mash-up with data from external sources, you usually want to read the data in a suitable format – such as JSON. The tool for the job tends to be javascript, running in your favourite browser. The only problem is that requests made with XHR (XMLHttpRequest) has to follow the same origin policy, meaning that the request cannot be made for a resource living on another host than the host serving the original request.

To get around this clients usually use JSONP – or a simple modification of the usual JSON output. The data is still JSON, but the output also includes a simple callback at the end of the request, triggering a javascript in the local browser. This way the creator of the data actually tells the browser (in so many hacky ways) that it’s OK, I’ve actually thought this through. Help yourself.

In jQuery you can trigger the usual handling of events by using “?” as the name of your callback function. jQuery will handle this transparently and then trigger the function you provided to .getJSON in the first place.


url = "";

$.getJSON(url, function(data) { alert(data); });

There’s an article up at IBM’s developerWorks giving quite a few more examples and information about the issue.

One Possible Reason for Missing Munin Graphs

We’re currently expanding our munin reporting cluster at Derdubor, but after installing munin-node on one of our servers we never got any graphs. The only section available on the munin server was “Other”, and that didn’t contain any information at all (which indicates that you’re not getting any response from the server).

The first step I make when trying to debug a munin connection is to telnet into the munin port, as this confirms that the two servers are able to talk to each other and that the munin daemon listens to the correct interface and port.

# telnet localhost 4949
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

The connection was established, but then munin closed the connection as soon as it was created. This usually means one thing: the host you’re connecting from isn’t added to the cidr_allow list or the allow list, or in the denied hosts list. This time it meant neither, the host was added and we didn’t have any denied hosts list.

The next step was to take a look at the munin-node.log in /var/log/munin (at least under under debian).

The last message was:

User "ejabberd" in configuration file "/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node" nonexistant. Skipping plugin. at /usr/sbin/munin-node line 615, line 83.
Something wicked happened while reading "/etc/munin/plugins/munin-node". Check the previous log lines for spesifics. at /usr/sbin/munin-node line 261, line 83.

We don’t have ejabberd installed, but the ejabberd config reference was apparently added to the configuration file in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node. This made our version of munin-node barf, as the user it reference wasn’t available.

Next step was to remove the section from the file and restarting munin-node:

/etc/init.d/munin-node restart

After restarting munin, I did the telnet check again:

# telnet localhost 4949
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
# munin node at
fetch load
load.value 0.02
Connection closed by foreign host.

Wait 10 – 15 minutes and you should start seeing graphs again – if this actually were your problem. Probably not (and then you should probably read Debuggning Munin Plugins and other documentation on the Wiki). But if it were, you’ll be happy happy joy joy now.

SOLR: no segments* file found

While playing around with one of my development SOLR installations (this time under Windows), I suddenly got a weird error message when feeding data to one of the fresh cores.

SEVERE: java.lang.RuntimeException: no segments* file found in\temp\solr\*\data\index: files:

Taking a look at the contents of the index\ directory, it was in fact empty. Seems weird, but my initial guess was that Lucene / SOLR would treat this as a new installation and create the files.

Turns out the issue is that it won’t – as long as the index directory exists, Lucene / SOLR goes looking for the segment files.

Thanks to an old post to the solr-dev list by Yonik, the easiest fix is to simply delete the index directory and restart your applet container (Tomcat in this case).

Writing a Munin Plugin

I have to admit something. I’ve become addicted.

One of the things I finally got around to doing while living the quiet life over the christmas holiday was to dive a bit further into Munin – a simple framework for collecting information from your computers and servers and making nice graphs that you can watch while you’re bored.

I’m not going to write a lot about how you can create your own Munin plugin to create your own graphs, as they have a very simple tutorial giving you all the basics about writing Munin plugins themselves. The only thing you need to remember are these two tidbits:

  1. When Munin first registers your plugin, it runs your script with config as the only argument. This provides Munin with the name of the graph, the labels and names (keys) of the graphs you’re providing values for, information about the axis, etc.
  2. When Munin runs your script without the config argument, it expects you to give it values for the keys you provided it in the configuration.

You enable and disable plugins by creating symlinks in /etc/munin/plugins (at least under debian / ubuntu), and plugins are usually stored in /usr/share/munin/plugins.

I keep my plugins archived together with the rest of the repository for my web projects, and then either symlink the content into the plugins-directory or create a simple wrapper script that changes the current directory to the location of the script and then invokes it (to make the current working directory be correct).

A very simple bash script that does this – and passes through any parameters given to the script:

cd  && php ./