Birkebeinerrittet Tomorrow

Well, tomorrow’s the day when the regular birkebeinerrittet mountain bike race is held (over 3000 people already finished the race today, in the first “Fredagsbirken”). The organizers had to set up an extra race day because of the number of people signing up; the primary spots were gone in 90 seconds. I’m one of those who managed to get my spot during those 90 seconds, so tomorrow at 13:00 I’m starting from Rena, hopefully finishing in Lillehammer somewhere around five hours later. I’ve just added 3kgs of dead weight to my backpack, as all participants have to have at least 3.5kgs on their back. My dad actually still had the led pack we made for dead weight when I last competed in the race in 1996, so well, it’s going on it’s second run!

Primary goal: finishing Secondary goal: finishing below 5 hours. Third goal: escape death.

World Class Sports Photography

If you’ve ever considered shooting a sporting event or have been wondering what it takes to be a world class sports photographer, the amazing Newsweek 2008 Olympics Picture Blog is the place to be. Three photographers from Newsweek has been shooting for two weeks now, and they’ve been sharing all their experiences and best photos with the world. I’ve learnt loads of stuff about how the real guys do their gigs, and I’m still getting surprised by their persistence to get the good shots. As most photographers they never admit that they got the perfect shot, but the blog is filling up with some of the best photos from the olympics.

I had no idea they did such an amount of remote triggered shots, and while I’m not going to start doing photography for a living any time, at least I know a few tricks if I ever find myself at a track and field event. Awesome. Worth a read, and hopefully they’ll keep it up for all time to come for people to learn more about photography and watch a great collection of stunning pictures.

Getting To Grips With Too Human

Silicon Knights have finally managed to get Too Human out for a release, and I spent thirty minutes tonight trying out the demo from Xbox Live. I’m probably one of the few people who actually are quite interested in games but never knew much about Too Human before trying it out. I had read a few reviews and their conclusions seem to cover most of the elements of the game.

It’s not hard to see that the game had a lot of potential. There are large number of enemies. There are RPG elements. There are loot to get. Fat gear. Skills. Runes. Classes. And a very high speed gameplay that mainly includes pointing your stick against the enemies and watching them die by your enormous sword. I love gigantic swords. No penis jokes, please.

Therefore it’s sad to see it brought into yet-another-troubled-attempt by several questionable design decisions. First of all; don’t fuck with the right control stick. This moves the camera. Period. Most games use it that way, we expect it to work that way. In a game where there are 20 enemies approaching you from all directions at the same time, moving the camera is important. Instead, the game decides what to show you. You can reset the viewport, but hey, I already have a control stick that actually could let me move the viewport around. That would be fantastic.

OK, we’re in a magical world where the camera works perfect. No troubles at all (well, we’re not in Too Human any longer apparently, but ride with me here) and everything is perfect. Suddenly you’re somewhere else. What. Hm. I can control my character, but .. hey, this is not where I’m supposed to be. The developers thought that a flashback was a cool idea to explain something about the motivation for where I’m going and what I’m going to kill, but telling me that they were going to show a flashback or do something else.. Well, not so much. Let the sequences play out in the history, not at arbitary locations along the road. It sucks. And why on the earth was I teleported into a green land, just to have to run through the parts the camera just moved backwards from?! I’ve already seen that greeeeeen shit, man.

If Too Human ever gets the planned sequel (it’s supposed to be a trilogy), I’ll provide the name for free. Invisible Wall. The demo is full of them. There are invisible walls everywhere, and magically you can’t fall off anywhere there are any height involved. You can’t jump over simple obstacles, even though your character has the jumping capabilities of a squirrel on speed. I hate invisible walls. They’re invisible. They’re walls. They’re just HEEEY! YOU CAN’T SEE ME BUT I’LL JUST FUCK THE ENTIRE IMMERSIVE PART OF THE GAME UP. AND I’LL DO IT AGAIN. AND AGAIN.

The weird part is that the demo actually were a bit fun. Not WOOOW THIS IS GREAT-fun, but the occasionally things worked nicely. I’m even going to consider buying it when it gets dirt cheap because of vendors over stocking on the hype.

I just hate invisible walls.

Unit-Testing Code Which Uses a Database

How to unit-test code that interacts with a database appeared on the blog of Baron Schwartz, and to be really boring, I agree with what he’s writing. Unit-testing database connectivity and storage is not hard. If it is, it might be a good time to redo that architecture you’ve been talking about.

An important point that Baron mentions is that you _NEVER_ _EVER_ run your tests on your production servers. That will of course be disastrous, as your tests needs a predefined state of the database to be valid for testing. The solution I’ve been using to handle this, is to always set up my environment to use another database when doing the tests. This way, you’ll never end up with running the tests on a live database by accident. I handle this in my AllTests.php file, where the test suites and shared fixtures are set up. We dump the contents of the developer database (databasename), create a new database (databasename_test) and insert all the current table structures and indexes. This way we get an accurate copy of the table definitions currently defined by the developer (so that we don’t run the tests against an old set of tables), and we test that the code works as it should with the active definitions.

The simplest way to do this, is to use mysqldump and mysql through a call to exec. If you’re not in a trusted environment, please, please, please add the appropriate shell argument escape commands. It can however be argued that if you’re allowing random people to change your database login information, you probably have bigger problems than doing unit testing..

exec('mysqldump -u ' . $username . ' -p' . $password . ' ' . $dbname . ' | mysql -u ' . $username . ' -p' . $password . ' ' . $database . '_test');

It would be very interesting to get more information about which measures Baron advocates for detecting a production system. We have configuration settings for our applications which also defines if this is a development or production system, in addition to the fact that our testing code only touches databases which end in _test.

Internet Explorer 8 and Their XSS Filter

There’s an interesting post up on the technet Security Vulnerability Research & Defense blog, providing a deeper look into how the XSS filter destined for release together with Internet Explorer 8 works. While it looks like a novel approach, I’m not sure how many of the actual attacks will be detected and guarded against. It will be interesting to get to play around with it later, and if it works as good as they say, it’ll provide some protection for the users of Internet Explorer against a class of attacks.

They provide several examples of issues that will not be mitigated by this filter, which includes attacks where the content is inserted directly into javascript (instead of spawning from an HTML-context).

Trackday with Norsk Sportsvogn Klubb at Rudskogen

Marius and I attended yet another trackday by Norsk Sportsvogn Klubb (NSK) at Rudskogen today, and here are the best shots from the day (I spent most of the day in the passenger seat of the GT2, so not many shots today).

Teodor and Iselin
Teodor and Iselin

Udo Starting the Long Corner
Udo Starting the Long Corner

GT3 in Queue
GT3 in Queue

Classic Ford Mustang
Classic Ford Mustang

Bonus: I got one of my n95 pictures in the local newspaper: Trailer tips over at local road. You can even see the GT2 as a black line in the left corner of the image. Didn’t have time to do anything proper, as we were just speeding past on our way to Rudskogen.

The Results of our Weekend Challenge

The weekend PHP size competiton I mentioned on friday has come to an end, with the results being as follows:

      CNU (253 bytes)
      Helge (261 bytes)
      Ymgve (267 bytes)
      Me (365 bytes)
      dibon&zep (which never delivered, but had working solutions)

For those who are interested in the strategies and tactics employed by the contestants, I’ve included a small write-up and analysis of the various contributions. We decided early on that using eval() and gzinflate on the content were something that everyone could apply, so the size would be counted for the decompressed code. If any contestant implemented their own decompressor in the user space code themselves, we would accept that. It would not be any advantage anyways, as the decompressor code would eat up more space than the best contributions used in total.

I’ve included the writers own comments if they had any. The biggest change in size happened when people started using one dimensional strings instead of arrays.

CNU’s contribution

';if($d==' ')$q[]=$x;$d=$c;}$q=$b='';}$b.=$l;$w=strlen($l);}

Helge’s contribution


Helge also included an annotated version with comments in norwegian:

 * $l = én linje (av maps.txt)
 * $m = ett map
 * $w = vidden til et kart
 * $d = distansen til et vilkårlig punkt
 * $v = open/closed-array (putter både squares 
        of interest og visited squares her)
 * $u = "current square", utgangspunktet til å 
        generere naboer
 * $n = nabo
 * $x = hjelpevariabel for å generere $n
 * $y = hjelpevariabel for å generere $u

/* Klarte aldri å finne en måte å skippe initialisering av 
   $m her.. (den resettes på siste linja og.. føles waste)
   * En idé var å bruke to for(;;)'s istedenfor en foreach 
   og continue, men jeg tror jeg hadde økt i kode da.. */

/* Foreach var nyttig fant jeg ut.. den stopper når filen er 
   ferdig lest av seg selv, så slipper kode på sjekking av det, 
   $f[$y++], osv. */
foreach(file("maps.txt") as $l) {
        /* Når $l=="\n" (som betyr slutten på et kart) skal 
           vi slutte å appende til $m og heller breake if'en 
           så vi kan starte pathfinding */
        $l != "\n" &&

        /* Bruker en 1-dimensjonal string istedenfor array 
           (= win!) */
        ($m .= $l) +

        /* Trenger vidden når jeg skal regne ut naboene til et 
           gitt felt. */
        $w = strlen($l)
        /* Gjør så $l blir feedet en ny linje av kartet vårt til 
           kartet er ferdig */

    /* Pathfinding start! */
        /* Setter $y og $d[starten] lik 0, og putter startposisjon 
           inn i $v i samma slengen. */
        $y = $d[ $v[] = strpos($m, '.') ] = 0;

         * Gjør så for(;;) breaker når sluttposisjon-$u blir 0 
         * (synonymt med $u == strpos($m, 'X');
         * Tar også neste $u fra $v i samma slengen */
        strpos($m, 'X') - $u = $v[ $y++ ];
        /* For hver nabo */
            /* Genererer naboer.
             * Den starter på -width (som blir opp), går så til -1 
               (som blir venstre), 1 (som blir høyre) og tilslutt 
               width (som blir ned) */
            $x = -$w;
            $x <= $w;
            $x += $x+1 ? $w-1 : 2
            /* Om naboen (summen av $u og $x) er i $v: continue */
            in_array($n = $u+$x, $v) | /* fancy bitwise or som kan 
                                          brukes fordi det er snakk 
                                          om 2 booleans */

            /* Om naboen er en '#' på kartet: continue */
            $m[$n] == "#" ||

            /* Hvis ikke, sett distansen til naboen lik distansen 
               til $u + 1 og putt naboen inn i $v */
            $d[ $v[] = $n ] = $d[$u]+1;

    /* Skriv ut distansen til $u (skal være sluttpunktet nå) */
    echo "$d[$u]\n";

    /* Disse må resettes.. */

Ymgve's contribution

foreach(file("maps.txt")as$l){for($i=0;-75<$e=ord($l[$i++])-88;$m[]=$e+56?$e:1e6,$z=array(-1,1,-$i,$i))$e+42||$q[0]=count($m);if($i<3){for($d=$k=$c=0;;$c++-$k||$i++&$k=$d)for($j=4;$j;$g>$i&&($g=$i)&$q[++$d]=$p)if(!$g=&$m[$p=$q[$c]+$z[--$j]])break 2;echo"$i

My own contribution

Breadth-first Search, Delivered Version, 365 bytes:


This is mostly your usual run-of-the-mill BFS, where the search itself is implemented as a simple queue.

We loop through all the lines in the file (observe that you can remove the space character on both sides of as, saving you two bytes!):


The part within the else condition builds the map to search for the exit point:

    // for each line in the file, we do this

The for() loops through each character on the line, until it hits the newline marker at the end. Instead of entering "\n", you simply use the actual newline. This way you save another byte. The map ($m) is then populated using the current y,x coordinate (y being the line, x being the character on that line).

$m[$y][$x]=$l[$x]=="#"?0:$l[$x] can be expanded to:

if ($l[$x] == "#")
    $m[$y][$x] = 0;
    $m[$y][$x] = $l[$x];

Meaning that if the character is a wall, we store the value zero; if any other value, we store the character itself. We'll use this attribute when searching to determine when we've reached our goal. All of this is kept inside the for()-construct itself. The only thing contained in the for()-loop, is the statement if($l[$x]=='.')$q[]=array($y,$x,0);. This checks if the current character is the starting point, and if that's the case, adds it to our queue of points to check (making it the starting point of our BFS).

When we hit an empty line in the file (through the if("
"==$l) check), we execute our BFS.

    /* while $q is valid (this handles empty labyrinths), we fetch the 
        current y and x coordinates, in addition to d, the distance to 
        the location we're fetching from the queue. No {} here, as the 
        for only contains the if() statement below. */

        /* if this spot has a value (remember that we assigned 0 to walls, 
            while we kept the character value for other fields when we 
            parsed the file. We use empty() as the coordinates may not be 
            valid indexes into the array, as we don't do any checks when 
            we add them. one call to empty() is better than four ifs and 
            duplicate array references). */
            // create a reference (saves one byte instead of referencing $m[$y][$x] twice.

            /* if we've found the X, echo the distance to the X. Under any 
                under circumstance, you'd break; out of the for/while here, 
                but as bytes count more than speed, we save six bytes by 
                searching the whole labyrinth instead of ending early. Funny 
                detail: as echo is a language construct, you can skip the space. 
                If the character is not 'X', we simply echo an empty string 
                instead of using a conditional echo. Saves a couple of bytes. */

            // unset the value, so that we don't visit this node again.

            /* add all neighbours to our queue. We pre-increment $d, instead 
                of adding +1 in all the adds. */
        /* Reset the values. PHP generates a warning if a value has never
            been set before when used, but will happily accept null values 
            as empty arrays or 0. The double assignment is also a trick worth 
            remembering to save bytes. */

Some of tricks used in the competition

  • Multi-variable assignment: $a=$b=0;
  • Actual newline when detecting a newline: if ($a=="
  • Using null to be able to reset both integers and arrays in one statement.
  • The more code you can fit into a for() statement, the better. You get three "free" line endings by doing this. for(;;) is the same length as while(), but you can get several statements evaluated.
  • You can skip the spaces in foreach().
  • Create references to avoid using long array indices several times.
  • The ternary operator (?:) is your friend!
  • Remember that {}'s can be dropped when you have a single statement that contains all subsequent code (as long as you don't get any conflicts with else etc. on different levels):
    for(;;) <-- no { here.
    if ()


  • Simulating arrays with strings

The scripts were run with a set of pre-made labyrinths and a collection of 20 random labyrinths (more like maps, but they still test the code the same). The script for creating the labyrinths is available here. All delivered contributions passed all tests.

Translating Drizzle to Norwegian

As Monty asked for help with translations of the current strings available in Drizzle on his blog yesterday, I sat down a couple of hours yesterday and a couple of hours today to at least attempt to contribute something to the project. As my primary language is Norwegian and I have some experience writing, I decided to tackle the Norwegian (Bokmål, not Nynorsk) translation of Drizzle. I’ve currently finished the 358 available messages, but I’d really appreciate it if someone spent a couple of minutes / hours to read through them and confirm that my assumptions are sane.

The most troubling part when it comes to definitions are the issue of MySQL/Drizzle’s ‘relay log’ which I translated into ‘replikasjonslogg’ – which mainly means “replication log”. This sounds much better in Norwegian, but suddenly the code mentioned both a “replication log” and a “relay log”. I tried finding out what the semantic difference in MySQL were, but were unable to grok anything from the MySQL manual or through a Google search. If anyone has any advice here, it’d be very appreciated. I also made a few notes of where there are obvious errors in the original english strings:

Error on close of '%'s (Errcode: %d)
 - Located in mysys/errors.c:28 

Can't read value for symlink '%s' (Error %d)
 - Located in mysys/errors.c:47 
Can't create symlink '%s' pointing at '%s' (Error %d)
 - Located in mysys/errors.c:48
Copy text Error on realpath() on '%s' (Error %d)
 - Located in mysys/errors.c:49 

%*s(Defaults to on; use --skip-%s to disable.)
 - Missing space
 - Located in mysys/my_getopt.c:1170 

The event could not be processed no other hanlder error happened
 - hanlder
 -  Located in mysys/my_handler_errors.h:118 

SSL information in the master info file ('%s') are ignored because this MySQL slave was compiled without SSL support.
 - MySQL
 - Located in drizzled/ 

Slave I/O thread killed while waitnig to reconnect after a failed registration on master
 - waitnig
 - Located in drizzled/ 

Could not parse relay log event entry. The possible reasons are: the master's binary log is corrupted (you can check this by running 'mysqlbinlog'..
 - mysqlbinlog
 - Located in drizzled/ 

Found wrong key definition in %s; Please do "ALTER TABLE '%s' FORCE " to fix it!
 - feil spaceplass
 - Located in drizzled/ 

Table '%-.64s' was created with a different version of MySQL and cannot be read
 - MySQL
 - Located in drizzled/ 

I could probably submit a patch for this, but seeing as the source is very much in flux these days, I think I’ll wait until it settles down a bit — unless someone is interesting in reviewing and committing an “unimportant” patch at this stage.

BTW: Launchpad worked great for doing translations, so I’m going to look into using gettext and Launchpad for doing translations for and my other services in the future.

Finding Your Way Around for the Weekend

If you’re interested in a bit of a weekend challenge, we’re currently hosting a small PHP coding competition at one of the IRC channels I’m active in. The challenge’s deadline is this sunday (10th of August, 2008) at midnight (if you’re in another timezone, just use your own sunday’s midnight), but the challenge should always prove interesting later too.

If you’re interested in trying to solve labyrinths with the smallest amount of source code, this might be for you!

The End of an Era

An era has come to an end as we say goodbye to PHP4 today! The official support for PHP4 has now been dropped, and the branch was ended with the release of PHP 4.4.9 yesterday. Reading through Derick’s post about the end of PHP4, I actually got quite a bit nostalgic. All the main release points for the PHP4 series (except for PHP 4.4.x which I’ve never spent any time worth mentioning with) includes things that we rely on each and every day today.

Here’s to the same trend for PHP5 when we look back when PHP6 has been released and spent a couple of years in the wild (although I can say quite a few things I’d never live without from PHP5 already..).

BTW: Christian also notes why you should be afraid if you’re considering installing the new PHP version.